Derniers tutorials ajoutés ( Les derniers tutorials ajoutés sur fr-FR Copyright 2024 Fundamentals of R Programming and Statistical Analysis,86901.html <img src=""/><br>A comprehensive guide to <strong>working on statistical data with the R </strong>language <h2>About This Fundamentals of R Programming and Statistical Analysis Video course</h2> <ul> <li>Perform <strong>basic and advanced scientific computing</strong>.</li> <li>Look into the <strong>various phases of statistical analysis</strong> using R</li> <li>Get a clear understanding of <strong>how to manipulate data </strong>by working on real-world, practical examples</li> </ul> <h3>Course In Detail</h3> The <strong>R language </strong>is widely used among <strong>statisticians</strong> and <strong>data miners</strong> to develop statistical software and <strong>data analysis</strong>.<br /> <br /> In this<strong> video course,</strong> we&rsquo;ll start by diving into the <strong>different types of R data structures</strong> and y<strong>ou&rsquo;ll learn how the R programming language handles data.</strong> Then we&rsquo;ll look in-depth at manipulating different datasets in R. After that, we&rsquo;ll dive into <strong>data visualization</strong> with R, using basic plots, heat maps, and networks. We&rsquo;ll explore the different flow control loops of the R programming language, and you&rsquo;ll learn how to debug your code.<br /> <br /> In the second half of the course, you&rsquo;ll get hands-on working with the various statistical methods in R programming. You&rsquo;ll find out how to work with different probability distributions, various types of hypothesis testing, and statistical analysis with the R programming language.<br /> <br /> By the end of this video course, you will be well-versed in <strong>the basics of R programming </strong>and the various concepts of statistical data analysis with R.<br /> &nbsp;,86901.html Mon, 03 Jul 2017 11:40:12 +0200 Developing with MongoDB,86891.html <img src=""/><br>Comprehensive tutorial to help you master the complex querying and <strong>advanced data modeling concepts</strong> in <strong>MongoDB</strong> <h2>About This Developing with MongoDB Video course</h2> <ul> <li>Understand the complex <strong>MongoDB</strong> querying and data modeling aspects</li> <li>Master the CRUD operations and <strong>improve the performance of your database</strong></li> <li>Comprehensive, <strong>easy to follow video tutorial</strong> for designing and managing efficient database solutions using MongoDB</li> </ul> <h3>Developing with MongoDB In Detail</h3> <strong>MongoDB </strong>is the most popular <strong>NoSQL database</strong> in the market today. With support for real-time analytics, it is being used by many big enterprises for efficient and fast processing of data. The importance of NoSQL databases, and particularly MongoDB, has also increased with the rise of IoT.<br /> <br /> Spanning over 4 hours, this <strong>tutorial</strong> will show you <strong>how you can get the most out of MongoDB&rsquo;s advanced features</strong> with ease.<br /> <br /> After getting a quick overview of the basics of MongoDB, you will directly jump to covering the concepts related to <strong>advanced data modelling</strong>, <strong>complex querying</strong>, <strong>indexing and database operations</strong>. You will also implement a <strong>highly available MongoDB database </strong>for high performance by implementing techniques like sharding, aggregation and replication. Finally, you will also cover aspects like cloud deployment which is important when it comes to web applications, and integration with Hadoop for fast and efficient Big Data processing.<br /> <br /> By the end of this <strong>video tutoria</strong>l, <strong>you will have mastered all the concepts of MongoDB</strong> when it comes to querying, data modelling and the other database operations.,86891.html Mon, 03 Jul 2017 15:33:21 +0200 Deep Learning with R,86741.html <img src=""/><br>Optimize <strong>Algorithms</strong> and achieve greater levels of accuracy with<strong> Deep learning</strong> <h2>About This Deep Learning R video Course</h2> <ul> <li>Explore and create intelligent systems using <strong>Deep learning techniques</strong></li> <li>Understand the usage of multiple applications like Natural Language Processing, Bioinformatics, Recommendation Engines, etc. where deep learning models are implemented</li> <li>Get hands on with various Deep Learning scenarios and get mind blowing insights from your data</li> </ul> <h2>Deep Learning course In Detail</h2> <strong>Deep learning r</strong>efers to artificial neural networks that are composed of many layers. <strong>Deep learning is a powerful set of techniques </strong>for<strong> finding accurate information from raw data</strong>.<br /> This <strong>video tutorial </strong>will teach you <strong>how to leverage deep learning to make sense of your raw data</strong> by exploring various hidden layers of data.<br /> <br /> Each section in this course provides a clear and concise introduction of a key topic, one or more example of implementations of these concepts in <strong>R</strong>, and guidance for additional learning, exploration, and application of the skills learned therein. You will start by understanding the basics of Deep Learning and Artificial neural Networks and move on to exploring advanced ANN&rsquo;s and RNN&rsquo;s. You will deep dive into Convolutional Neural Networks and Unsupervised Learning. You will also learn about the applications of Deep Learning in various fields and understand the practical implementations of Scalability, HPC and Feature Engineering.<br /> <br /> Starting out at a basic level, users will be learning <strong>how to develop and implement Deep Learning algorithms using R</strong> in real world scenarios.,86741.html Mon, 03 Jul 2017 11:26:55 +0200 Responsive Web Design: Advancing your Design to the Modern Web,86001.html <img src=""/><br>A fascinating journey into the world of <strong>responsive web design</strong> <h2>About This Resonsive Design video course</h2> <ul> <li>Polish your skills to design highly responsive websites for the modern web</li> <li>Learn how to plan your design for print, web, mobile, and even TVs</li> <li>Gaze into the future of web design with <strong>CSS4 features!</strong></li> </ul> <h3><strong>Course In Detail</strong></h3> The modern web puts the user at the center of all activities. With 100s of different devices out there, web designers must up their game and develop sites that work for TV, mobile, and print, and large as well as small screens. The modern web is based on responsive websites that adapt to the user and their needs. Today websites reach far and wide from computers, TVs, printers, and e-books to mobile devices. The old way of building websites doesn&#39;t work anymore and we need to move to a responsive web design strategy to keep up with the changing world.<br /> <br /> This <strong>video course </strong>walks you through all the steps involved in <strong>building responsive designs</strong> with ease and will <strong>upgrade your skills as a web designer</strong>.<br /> <br /> We will start off with the <strong>basics of media queries</strong>, which are the key to responsive design, and creating custom layouts based on output type. You&rsquo;ll get a <strong>deeper understanding of responsive design</strong>, how to plan for it, and how to work with various media query expressions and features. <strong>You&rsquo;ll learn how to design for multiple devices and resolutions</strong>, and <strong>optimize</strong> for media types including print, screen, mobile, desktop, and more. In addition, you will also become familiar with central responsive frameworks, such as <strong>Bootstrap</strong>, and will become able to tackle responsive design challenges using effective design strategies.<br /> <br /> Finally, we will look at the future of web design and discuss <strong>CSS4 media queries</strong>, which were still in the planning stages when this course was being developed. These are not supported yet by browsers, but will give us a glimpse of what lies ahead to help us understand the possible future for media queries.<br /> This video course is the ultimate guide to responsive web design that will give you all the knowledge and skills needed to create fully responsive designs for the modern web!,86001.html Fri, 30 Jun 2017 11:39:53 +0200 Learning ReactJS,85891.html <img src=""/><br>Build beautiful, modern, and modularized UIs with <strong>ReactJS</strong> <h2>About this ReactJS video course</h2> <ul> <li>Create lightweight, responsive application UIs by understanding the mechanics behind ReactJS</li> <li>Create reactive dynamic UIs with a fast response time</li> <li>Customize and extent UIs efficiency by learning DOM manipulation</li> </ul> <h3>Learning ReactJS in Detail</h3> <strong>React</strong> is a <strong>JavaScript library</strong> that communicates changes on a User Interface to the browsers quickly, without having to re-render anything except the part of the display that needs to change. Elements of a site or application can be updated seamlessly without delay, without disrupting the rest of the display or requiring the user to refresh.<br /> <br /> This <strong>course</strong> first covers <strong>all of the React.js basics </strong>like its API to create elements and components, the virtual DOM and the JSX syntax extension, using the state, working with browser events and components lifecycle methods. We then dive in and<strong> build an application from scratch</strong> to practically use the knowledge gained in the first part.<br /> <br /> The application we will be building is an administration page for a list of books.<br /> You will see a list of books, then can add new books and remove books from the list. The final application will work with a server API to persist the data and it will use the Redux library to manage the data state for React.,85891.html Fri, 30 Jun 2017 10:43:54 +0200 Building Machine Learning Systems with TensorFlow,87051.html <img src=""/><br>Engaging projects that will teach you how complex data can be exploited to gain the most insight <h2>About This Building Machine Learning Systems with TensorFlow Video course</h2> <ul> <li>Bored with too much theory on TensorFlow? This video training is what you need! <strong>Thirteen solid projects and four examples teach you how to implement TensorFlow in production</strong>.</li> <li>This <strong>example-rich guide </strong>teaches you how to <strong>perform highly accurate and efficient</strong> numerical computing with <strong>TensorFlow</strong>.</li> <li>A practical and methodically explained guide that allows you to apply Tensorflow&#39;s features from scratch.</li> </ul> <h3>Machine Learning wth TensorFlow In Detail</h3> This <strong>video course</strong>, with the help of <strong>practical projects</strong>, highlights how TensorFlow can be used in different scenarios&mdash;this includes projects for training models, machine learning, deep learning, and working with various neural networks.<br /> <br /> Each project provides exciting and insightful exercises that will teach you how to use TensorFlow and show you how layers of data can be explored by working with tensors. Simply pick a project in line with your environment and get stacks of information on how to implement TensorFlow in production.,87051.html Mon, 03 Jul 2017 15:25:59 +0200 Julia for Data Science,86991.html <img src=""/><br>Refine your <strong>data science</strong> skills with the heavy armory of tools provided by <strong>Julia</strong> <h2>About This Julia for Data Science Video course</h2> <ul> <li><strong>Learn to use the machine learning algorithms in Julia</strong> to make better decisions and smarter actions in real time without human intervention</li> <li>Get to grips with the specialized packages in Julia and leverage its performance capabilities to create efficient programs</li> <li>Create your own modules and contribute to the Julia package system</li> </ul> <h3>Julia Data Science In Detail</h3> <strong>Julia</strong> is an easy, fast, open source language that if written well performs nearly as well as low-level languages such as C and FORTRAN. Its design is a dance between specialization and abstraction, providing high machine performance without the sacrifice of human convenience. Julia is a fresh approach to technical computing, combining expertise from diverse fields of computational and computer science.<br /> <br /> This <strong>video course </strong>walks you through all the steps involved in <strong>applying the Julia ecosystem to your own data science projects</strong>.<br /> <br /> We start with the basics and show you how to design and implement some of the general purpose features of Julia. Is fast development and fast execution possible at the same time? Julia provides the best of both worlds with its wide range of types, and our course covers this in depth. You will have organized and readable code by the end of the course by learning how to write Lisp style macros and modules.<br /> The course demonstrates the power of the DataFrames package to manage, organize, and analyze data. It enables you to work with data from various sources, perform statistical calculations on them, and visualize their relationships in different kinds of plots through live demonstrations.<br /> <br /> <strong>Julia for Data Science takes you from zero to hero</strong>, leaving you with the know-how required to apply!,86991.html Mon, 03 Jul 2017 15:10:13 +0200 Mastering ReactJS,86251.html <img src=""/><br>Build fast, compact, and dynamic web applications with a high performance UI to deliver a spellbinding user experience with <strong>ReactJS</strong> <h2>About This Mastering ReactJS Video course</h2> <ul> <li><strong>Build your own personal real-world application </strong>from the ground up with ReactJS</li> <li>Engage in live coding sessions to lay the foundations for ReactJS and learn the current best practices</li> <li>Explore common pitfalls and gotchas, and find out how React helps to alleviate these</li> </ul> <h3>Mastering ReactJS In Detail</h3> Don&rsquo;t all developers want their website to be simple, attractive, interactive, and dynamic at the same time? Coding the front end while keeping these attributes in mind has been a constant struggle for web developers. Facebook and Instagram, the two most popular social networking sites, have bewitched almost one-third of our population. Well, <strong>React</strong> has been at the heart of it all, as the <strong>JavaScript library</strong> precisely developed to build user interfaces specifically for large applications which deal with time-changing data.<br /> <br /> <strong>Mastering ReactJS will provide you with insights into using JSX with React</strong>. It will get you up and running with the React environment, showing you the current <strong>best practices</strong> as you build an advanced web application.<br /> <br /> You&rsquo;ll start with setting up a development environment with React and gaining an understanding of the component life cycle, how to use virtual DOM and state machines, and how to implement advanced communication between components. We then focus on building an e-commerce admin system and a list of orders for our application Storekeeper.<br /> <br /> This <strong>video course </strong>will take root in real-world use cases and challenges on <strong>how to unit test complex enterprise-grade ReactJS applications faster</strong>. It will teach you how to render screens, explore how the router on the server is utilized and fetch data from the server, as well as e-mail authoring, and building an iOS version of our page.<br /> The course also covers the key optimization points for Storekeeper and explores best practices for debugging. Mastering ReactJS is your go-to guide when building an e-commerce admin application fully equipped with a dashboard, a list of orders, a digest e-mail, and an iOS version.,86251.html Mon, 03 Jul 2017 14:12:23 +0200 Rapid Responsive Prototyping with Foundation 5,49429.html <img src=""/><br><h2>This Foundation 5 video tutorial will make you faster to learn and to code.</h2> This workshop is a fast-track to getting up to speed with rapid responsive prototyping with the most advanced <strong>responsive Framework.</strong><br /> <strong>Topics include:</strong> <ul> <li>A complete guide to the responsive grid</li> <li>A tour of the numerous CSS components &amp; Key UI elements</li> <li>Dynamic features Integration with&nbsp;<em>orbit slider, reveal modal, Accordion, Lightbox..</em></li> <li>Mobile user experience optimization</li> <li>A 1-hour walkthrough : from prototype to beautiful design</li> <li>Quizzes, Interactive Exercices</li> </ul> <strong>Hand-on and project-based, the course will help you :</strong> <ul> <li>Learn the fundamentals of using Foundation</li> <li>Start building responsive web pages</li> <li>Sharpen your design skills</li> </ul> <strong>So, let&#39;s get started with Foundation 5!</strong><br /> This <strong>video tutorial</strong> is the fastest way to get you up and running with<strong>&nbsp;Rapid Prototyping, Mobile First &amp; Easy Customization</strong>,49429.html Mon, 14 Sep 2015 21:07:59 +0200 Interactive Web Design with CSS Transition,49434.html <img src=""/><br>With the<strong>&nbsp;CSS3 transition properties</strong>, it is possible and easy to<strong> add interactivity and enhance the user experience</strong> of your webpage by using CSS only.&nbsp;<strong>CSS3 transitions</strong>&nbsp;allows you to change property values smoothly over a given duration.<br /> <br /> In this <strong>video course</strong>, we will explore the different options of <strong>animation techniques</strong> that you can use to bring<strong> elegant animations</strong> and life to a webpage. The course covers a range, from simple to complex, of demonstrations and examples that you can use in your own work or project to impress your audience.<br /> <br /> The course also includes a challenge assignment as well as a final project to apply what you have learned and put all of it in practice. <h2>In this Interactive Web Design with CSS Transition video tutorial you&#39;ll learn</h2> <ul> <li>The CSS transition fundamentals</li> <li>The transition properties (transition-duration, transition-delay, transition-timing-function)</li> <li>Browser support and performance with the CSS vendor prefixes</li> <li>A challenge assignment</li> <li>Project : a portfolio page</li> </ul> <h3>You will learn how to:</h3> <ul> <li>Create smooth transition to animate property changes</li> <li>Use the shorthand</li> <li>Use the transition-timing-function to control the speed of the curve</li> <li>Animate color changes</li> <li>Fade elements in and out</li> <li>Create multiple transition effects</li> </ul> &nbsp;<br /> <strong>By the end of the class</strong>, your will be able to use the concepts and examples presented to impress your audience with fancy animation effects. <ul> <li><strong>If you are developer,</strong>&nbsp;<strong>you will know how to create nice animation effect with CSS</strong>.<strong> </strong></li> <li><strong>If you are a designer</strong>, you will take your CSS skills to the next level and learn to add interactivity to a web page without jQuery</li> </ul> Join me in&nbsp;<strong>Interactive Web Design with CSS Animation &amp; Transition</strong>&nbsp;to learn how to create an enhanced user experience and take your web design skills to the next level with CSS transition !,49434.html Mon, 14 Sep 2015 21:08:03 +0200 The Art of Portrait Retouching - Black and White - Complete video course,85881.html <img src=""/><br><h2>Learn how to create an amazing black and white portrait with Photoshop and Camera Raw!</h2> The entire workflow will be explained: <ul> <li>Converting an image to black and white using Camera Raw</li> <li>Converting to black and white using alternative techniques in Photoshop</li> <li>Using the Frequency Separation technique in Photoshop to obtain a smooth skin</li> <li>Retouching the skin using Healing and Patch tools; with or without a frequency separation</li> <li>Alternative methods to retouch the skin entirely in Camera Raw without Photoshop</li> <li>Adjusting the light with the linear light blend mode; in a non destructive way</li> <li>Sharpening your image, and export it for the web or print</li> </ul> Many tips, tricks and shortcuts will also be given during the entire course; to improve your retouching skills; taken from my 15 years experience in the industry!<br /> <br /> The CR2 (raw) files are provided so you can follow me step by step !<br /> <br /> <strong>Requirements</strong><br /> You will need Photoshop CC 2014 and Camera Raw.&nbsp; <h3><strong>I made this video course for:</strong></h3> <ul> <li>People with interests in Photoshop and Camera Raw</li> <li>Everyone who wants to learn new techniques and want to improve their skills</li> <li>Studio Photographers who want to retouch their photos from A to Z</li> <li>Everyone who struggle with retouching in Photoshop</li> <li>Everyone who want to be a pro retoucher!</li> </ul>,85881.html Tue, 20 Jun 2017 22:24:47 +0200 Winter Landscapes Photography tutorial,58421.html <img src=""/><br>In this <strong>video tutorial</strong> I will show <strong>how to retouch your winter photos</strong> into exciting and dramatic landscapes!<br /> <br /> Shooting and retouching in snow can be challenging, but with these easy-to-follow examples, you&rsquo;ll see that it is quite easy and the results are awesome!<br /> Source files are provied with this course. We&#39;ll use both Photoshop and Lightroom so you can learn a complet retouching worlflow.,58421.html Tue, 22 Mar 2016 15:46:19 +0100 Learn Microsoft Powerpoint 2013,49986.html <img src=""/><br>This comprehensive <strong>Powerpoint 2013 video tutorial</strong>, couldn&rsquo;t be easier to use. On-screen video demonstrations take you <strong>step-by-step</strong> through all the key areas, each with clear and concise instructions. Simply pick the topic you want to study and sit back and watch as <strong>an expert shows you exactly how it&rsquo;s done</strong>. Then actually &lsquo;<em>do it&rsquo;</em> in your own copy of <strong>PowerPoint 2013</strong>. <h2>Learn the fundamentals of PowerPoint 2013 with this tutorial in no time !</h2> Whether you&rsquo;re a complete beginner, or need to refresh your computer skills, this course will have you up and running with <a href="" target="_blank" title="Microsoft Powerpoint">Microsoft PowerPoint </a>2013 in no time at all.,49986.html Fri, 18 Sep 2015 10:31:44 +0200 Photoshop: Quickstart,48187.html <img src=""/><br><p><strong>Learning the Basics to Create your Best Photos</strong><br /> Learn how to use the basis of Photoshop CS 6 to get the best out of your photos in a series of 8 video tutorials.</p> <p>Also, get&nbsp;access to amazing high-res pictures (raw files) so you can follow along the retouch process and get the same results!</p>,48187.html Mon, 14 Sep 2015 21:13:22 +0200 WordPress Beginners From Zero To Beautiful $500 Websites In 3 Hours tutorial,67201.html <img src=""/><br><h3>WordPress From Zero To Beautiful Websites - For Those With No Money, No Time, No Patience.</h3> <br /> <strong>WordPress for beginners</strong>: Finally a simple way to create beautiful $500+ WordPress Websites in a <strong>step-by-step</strong> way for those with no time, no money and no patience. Ideal for local business owners, consultants and coaches, authors, and those who simply want to earn an income online.<br /> <br /> In this <strong>video course</strong> you will discover <strong>10 Easy Ways to Make Money with your new, easily and quickly learnt WordPress skills</strong>.<br /> <br /> Unlike other beginner WordPress courses, <strong>we cover topics that are key to creating professional-looking websites</strong> for others as a service business and charge $500 or more. Would you like to see how people just like you earn $37,000 for simple WordPress skills?,67201.html Wed, 27 Jul 2016 11:29:39 +0200 Cinema 4D Complete : Vol. 2. All about Modeling!,160661.html <img src=""/><br>In this <strong>second volume</strong>, you will learn everything there is to know about <strong>modeling!</strong><br /> <strong>Polygon modeling</strong> is at the <strong>core</strong> of every 3D application. Whatever field you are going to work in, you will need to know how to push points, edges and polygons to <strong>make your vision come true</strong>.<br /> <br /> I&rsquo;m Lionel VICIDOMINI, a <strong>Maxon Certified Instructor, Maxon Master Trainer</strong> and Motion Designer based in Paris, France. I believe that in order to truly master a software you have to learn it by the <strong>details</strong>. I have created this series of training, to create a <strong>video manual</strong> of Cinema 4D and to be the most <strong>thorough</strong> possible while being <strong>entertaining.</strong> <h2>In this Cinema 4D online course you will learn all about 3D Modeling</h2> <ul> <li>How to <strong>select, move, scale</strong> and <strong>rotate</strong> polygons precisely, fluently, and as fast as possible to allow a <strong>smoother workflow</strong></li> <li>All about <strong>splines</strong>, those vector shapes that are so useful when you want to create <strong>complex objects</strong></li> <li>The <strong>generators</strong>, such as the mirror, the remesher and the all-powerful <strong>Subdivision Surface</strong>, at the very core of <strong>polygon modeling</strong></li> <li>The <strong>polygon commands</strong>, such as the <strong>extrude, bevel</strong> tool, but also the <strong>stich&#39;n&#39;sew</strong> and many less known tools</li> <li>The <strong>deformers</strong>, which allow you to <strong>reshape</strong> objets to your needs or even <strong>create</strong> whole models from simple primitives</li> <li><strong>OpenVDB</strong> modeling, another way to create complex objects <strong>parametrically </strong>without the hassle of polygons</li> </ul> Several <strong>workshops</strong> in the end of the course will teach you <strong>real life examples</strong> and how to model many objects : a screw, a spoon, a coffee cup and its holder, a soccer ball and many others.<br /> <br /> This training has been recorded on the R23 but you can follow it easily on previous versions of the software, down to R17.<br /> It is not required to have followed the <a href=",160651.html" title="Tutorial Cinema 4D The Essentials"><strong>first volume</strong></a> of the series, but it can greatly <strong>help</strong>, especially if you are new to 3D.,160661.html Mon, 22 Mar 2021 16:24:08 +0100 Machine Learning with Scala,86381.html <img src=""/><br>Explore the most innovative and cutting edge <strong>machine learning techniques with Scala</strong>. <h2>About This Machine Learning with Scala Video course</h2> <ul> <li>Learn how to implement classification, regression, and clustering</li> <li>Discover<strong> key Scala machine learning libraries</strong>, what each library brings to the table, and what kind of problems each library is able to solve</li> <li><strong>Dive deep into the world of analytics</strong> to predict situations correctly</li> </ul> <h3>Machine Learning with Scala In Detail</h3> The ability to apply <strong>machine learning</strong> techniques to large datasets is becoming a highly sought-after skill in the world of technology. <strong>Scala</strong> can help you <strong>deliver key insights into your data</strong>&mdash;its unique capabilities as a language let you build sophisticated algorithms and statistical models. For this reason, <strong>machine learning and Scala</strong> fit together perfectly and knowledge of both would be beneficial for anyone entering the data science field.<br /> <br /> The course starts with a <strong>general introduction to the Scala programming language</strong>. From there, you&rsquo;ll be introduced to <strong>several practical machine learning algorithms</strong> from the areas of exploratory data analysis. You&rsquo;ll look at supervised learning machine learning models for prediction and classification tasks, and unsupervised learning techniques such as clustering and dimensionality reduction and neural networks.<br /> <br /> By the end, you will be comfortable applying <strong>machine learning algorithms to solve real-world problems</strong> using <strong>Scala</strong>.,86381.html Mon, 03 Jul 2017 14:28:15 +0200 Learning React.js Scalable and High-Performance Apps,86201.html <img src=""/><br>Optimize and enhance your web sites and applications with <strong>React</strong> <h2>About this Learning React.js Scalable and High-Performance Apps&nbsp; Video course</h2> <ul> <li>Build up production-ready, <strong>high-performing React applications </strong>with ease</li> <li>Isolate and understand performance bottlenecks and how to address them in React applications</li> <li>Learn a variety of modern web technologies, such as React, ES6, Webpack, Babel, ExpressJS, JSX, and more</li> </ul> <h3>React course In Detail</h3> It&#39;s one thing to build an app that runs well on your test system, but it&#39;s quite another to build an app that still performs well when it&#39;s live with thousands of users.<br /> <br /> This<strong> video training</strong> will help you <strong>take your apps to the next professional level</strong>, while making sure they remain<strong> performant at scale</strong>. There are many aspects to <strong>optimizing your React applications</strong>, some that you can apply later, and others that need to be designed in from the beginning. This video course will give you <strong>tips and advice</strong> for both.<br /> <br /> Covering JavaScript, CSS, and <strong>React-specific tips and advanced techniques</strong>, this course will make sure that you can <strong>build highly optimized</strong>, <strong>production-ready applications</strong>.<br /> <br /> The course begins by looking at important considerations you should build in to the planning stage of your apps: making sure options are set correctly, getting the most from Webpack, and optimizing your application&#39;s dependencies. We then go on to look in detail at some of the new performance enhancements that ES6 brings, such as using let and const instead of vars and advanced memory management for strings. Next, we cover more general JavaScript performance optimizations, and using ExpressJS for fast server-side rendering. Finally, we examine how best to package up all of the individual parts of your application to achieve the smallest file sizes and smoothest caching.,86201.html Mon, 03 Jul 2017 12:17:21 +0200 Mastering JavaScript,86161.html <img src=""/><br><strong>Elevate your web development skills</strong> by deep diving into <strong>JavaScript!</strong> <h2>About This Mastering JavaScript Video course</h2> <ul> <li><strong>Master JavaScript</strong> best practices for designing and developing fully functional, cross-platform libraries</li> <li>Use <strong>powerful design patterns </strong>for an innovative and cutting-edge approach to web development</li> <li><strong>Enhance the performance</strong> of your libraries by focusing on a new aspect in every video</li> </ul> <h3>Mastering JavaScript In Detail</h3> <strong>JavaScript</strong> is the browser language that supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles, focusing on website behavior. It has a rich set of libraries and frameworks and is the most widely used client-side language with features such as asynchronous communication, controlling browsers, and editing documents. JavaScript provides web developers out there with the knowledge to program more intelligently and idiomatically&mdash;something not all programmers can do or understand.<br /> <br /> <strong>The Mastering JavaScript video training </strong>will immerse you in the JavaScript world, where you will mature as a developer by <strong>exploring the best practices </strong>for building an original, functional, and useful cross-platform library.<br /> <br /> Starting off with just some basic knowledge of JavaScript and HTML, we will first lay a solid naming foundation for OOP coding by exploring the best naming conventions practices for primitive variables, constructors, methods, and properties. Then we&rsquo;ll shed some light on creating global namespace, create a pure JavaScript onload script, and walk through cross-browser compatibility. We will learn how the onload and DOMContentLoaded events are actually triggered and understand how to use querySelectorAll method and dynamically load scripts using a script loader.<br /> <br /> As the course progresses, we will start building up our own libraries by integrating codes, methods, and logic, we will also expand our library with design patterns such as module, fa&ccedil;ade, adapter, and singleton. Finally, we will create a working time manager and explore unit testing in JavaScript.<br /> <br /> After working through this<strong> video course</strong>, y<strong>ou will be equipped with all the knowledge</strong>, tips, and hacks you need to stand out in the advanced world of web development with <strong>JavaScript</strong>.,86161.html Mon, 03 Jul 2017 12:11:16 +0200 Learning Object-Oriented JavaScript,86041.html <img src=""/><br><strong>Acquire advanced JavaScript skills</strong> and create complex and reusable applications <h2>About Object-Oriented JavaScript video course</h2> <ul> <li>Discover the important concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP) and make your life easier, more enjoyable, and more focused on what you love doing&mdash;creating</li> <li>Develop reusable code while creating three different clocks, a classic clock, a text clock, and an alarm clock.</li> <li>Utilize the advantages of using constructors, methods, and properties to become an expert</li> </ul> <h3>Course In Detail</h3> One of the most common issues faced by JavaScript developers is what is known in the industry as &ldquo;spaghetti code.&rdquo; This issue is common when developers don&#39;t know how OOP works, as they end up creating layers of code on top of each other, resembling spaghetti. The goal of OOP is to organize your code and make your life easier.<br /> <br /> <strong>This course will help you change some common coding practices </strong>and empower you by giving you the tools you need for more efficient development.<br /> You start with building a simple digital clock and use this as the case sample for the course. Then, we begin exploring the object-oriented tools in JavaScript such as the constructor, scope, methods, and properties. Next, we dive even deeper as we explore the wonderful world of prototypes, static methods and properties, and namespaces. We then turn our attention to inheritance and finally end the course with a section to dedicated events and callbacks. As we explore what they are and how to use them, we complete our sample by creating a fully usable alarm clock.<br /> <br /> With this course, you will be an expert in OOP with JavaScript in under 3 hours!,86041.html Fri, 30 Jun 2017 11:47:00 +0200