iOS Animation with Swift
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VIDEO TUTORIAL iOS Animation with Swift

Sandy Ludosky
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Graphics and Animations are an essential part of the iOS User Interface. From a UX standpoint, it lets users know that something has updated or moved on the screen. From a Design point of view, animations are a fun way to draw attention of users and make your apps interactive. This is the extra value that will make your application stand out from others.

The goal of the video course is to teach techniques, from simple to complex, to create nice animation effects, bring life to iPhone apps, and offer an awesome user experience. This is another aspect of the iOS SDK that will make you enjoy iOS development even more.

iOS Animation with Swift - Video Tutorial

In 4 chapters, you will take your iOS development experience to the next level with top notch portfolio-ready projects. Topics Include

  • Basic Animation APIs of UIKit
  • Animation Effects (crossDissolve, cube transition, fade)
  • Custom View ControllerTransitions
  • Gradient Animation
  • Layer & iCore Animation

In Section 1, you will set the stage for basic, yet very cool, animation effects with Basic Animation APIs of UIKit to animate move, size and color. The first demo will show you how to animate objects on the UIKit. You will greet users with move and fade animations, create and adjust animation easing to customize visual effects.

Section 2 covers layer animations and the Core Animation API. We will dive into higher-levels of UIKit methods to animate view layers and create cool visual effects like gradient and shape animations. We'll replicate the twitter the splash screen as an example of the powerful things you can achieve with view layers.

In Section 3, you will learn techniques to create your own custom view controller transition and presentation. By the end of the section, you will have created your own custom controller presentation controller with a picture gallery.

The Section 4 walks you through a Weather App tutorial with tableView rows animation, crossfade and cube transitions. We will use new techniques of transform, cross dissolve and fade animations to take your experience with iOS UI to the next level.

Each section includes project-based demos and a finished app that you can showcase in your work. You are going to learn how to use view animations and how to convert a simple view into an awesome view. You will be introduced to iOS 9 iCore Animation to create an eye-catching splash screen and some other extras to set your app apart from others.

By the end of the class, you will be well prepared to turn any views into and interesting, attractive, and fascinating user interface.

Note to Students: This class is a beginner's guide to iOS Animations, but please note that the class requires basic knowledge of the Swift language, XCode and the iOS SDK. For the best learning experience, students should know how to start a project, run a project on the simulator, use the interface builder, and understand Swift.

Now, be ready to take your iOS Development to the next level.
Join the new iOS & Swift Animation course to learn to bring life to your application

What will you learn in this course?

Course plan
Chapter 1
Getting Started
Chapter 2
UIView Animations
Chapter 3
Layer Animations
Chapter 4
Custom View Controller Transitions
Chapter 5
Weather App
Chapter 6

Detailed course plan

Chapter 1 : Getting Started
Lesson 1Welcome!
Lesson 2Class Requirements : what you need
Lesson 3Class Requirements : what you should know
Lesson 4Class Objectives & Presentation
Chapter 2 : UIView Animations
Lesson 1Hello World App Overview
Lesson 2Animating Hello World
Lesson 3Delay & Completion Parameter
Lesson 4Alpha Changes
Lesson 5Random Quote App Overview
Lesson 6Displaying Quotes - IBAction
Lesson 7Fading Quotes In and Out
Lesson 8Random Colors
Lesson 9Launchscreen & Login Form Animated
Lesson 10Launch Screen - Visual Effect Blur
Lesson 11Spring Animation
Lesson 12Adding Keyframe Animation
Lesson 13Animating the Login Form
Chapter 3 : Layer Animations
Lesson 1Slot Machine App Overview
Lesson 2UIPickerView
Lesson 3Spinning the Wheel
Lesson 4Winning Condition(IF/ELSE)
Lesson 5Animating Play Button
Lesson 6Gradient Animation
Lesson 7Gradient Animation - END
Lesson 8Playing Sound (AV Foundation)
Lesson 9Twitter SplashScreen Intro
Lesson 10Layer Mask
Lesson 11Reveal and Animation with iCore Animation
Lesson 12AnimationDidStop()
Chapter 4 : Custom View Controller Transitions
Lesson 1Overview
Lesson 2Custom Segue
Lesson 3Creating a Segue Class
Lesson 4Perform & Animate Segue
Lesson 5Transition Manager
Lesson 6DismissViewController
Lesson 7Overview & Project Files
Lesson 8Image Categories
Lesson 9Adding Photos to Library
Lesson 10CollectionView Data Source
Lesson 11Push Segue
Lesson 12Pictures Collection - Like Instagram!
Lesson 13Customizing the Picture Gallery - Data Source
Lesson 14Animator Class
Lesson 15Container View & Transition Context
Lesson 16Scale Transform
Lesson 17Adding TapGestureRecognizer
Lesson 18Dismiss PhotoViewController
Chapter 5 : Weather App
Lesson 1Project Overview
Lesson 2OpenWeatherMap API Documentation
Lesson 3Api Calls & Weather Forecast Data
Lesson 4Getting Weather Data (JSON response)
Lesson 5Table View
Lesson 6Animating the Table Rows
Lesson 75-day Weather Forecast
Lesson 8Display Date
Lesson 9Fade In & Out Transition
Lesson 10Cube Transition
Lesson 11Cross Fade Animation
Chapter 6 : End!
Lesson 1Conclusion


Your questions about the course

With which software versions is this tutorial compliant ?

Swift 2, Xcode

Quel est le niveau requis pour suivre ce tuto ?


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