All tutorials
Tutos Development
- Type
- Level
- Duration

Getting Started with Machine Learning with R

Learning R for Data Visualization

Mastering Meteor: Powerful Reactive Applications with Full-Stack JavaScript

Learning Functional JavaScript

Machine Learning with Open CV and Python

Writing better CSS with LESS

Sass Beginner Crash Course

Learning Hadoop 2

Julia Solutions

Getting Started with Java Deep Learning

Learning Full Stack React

The Complete Guide to Node.js

Deep Learning with Python

iOS Animation with Swift

Swift 3 Fundamentals & Essential training

Building Interactive Data Visualizations with D3.js

Learning Data Visualization

Learning Data Analysis with R

Deep Learning with TensorFlow
Train for a job you are passionate about
With our mentored training courses, always 100% distance learning, you train from A to Z on a digital job, but you do not move forward alone: you are coached by an individual mentor and a dedicated team supports you. The icing on the cake, these courses are fully financed by your CPF, PĂ´le emploi, or an OPCO.